Chances are, you are carrying a vision inside of you. A vision that if acted upon could ease some of the world’s problems and make this world a better place.

Most of us carry dreams, things we’d like to do with our lives, hopes and desires for a contribution we can make to the world.  From the work I do with people, I can tell you that many folks dismiss these dreams as unimportant, too big, too unrealistic, you name it.  Yet when nudged more deeply, it becomes clear that these dreams do matter to people.  But they don’t know what to do about it, so they do nothing.

That’s true of you, that’s true of me.

Here’s the problem…

1. Most dreams and visions abort in secrecy before they are ever birthed.

2.  And the biggest reason dreams and visions abort?  Fear. Fear of what others will think and fear of failure.  Fear is the final dream-slayer.

3.  Too many of us simply lack the courage, bravery and the determination to overcome the fear and go to the grave with a shriveled up vision still in our hearts.  A vision that could have made the world a better place in some way.  Those who have gone far in accomplishing their dreams and visions will tell you the fear doesn’t go away.  They’ve just learned how to move forward in spite of it.

Birthing The Vision Inside Of You

1. Get the vision out of hiding.  Talk with some trusted friends about it.  It’s less easy to abort a vision that you’ve shared with others.

2.  Identify the fears.  Talk about your fears with a friend. See the fears as evidence of a vision worth pursuing.  A vision that doesn’t have inherent fears and obstacles is probably too small, too safe.

3.  See your vision as a Holy Commodity, a Sacred Gift.  Every day get on your knees and pray for the courage, strength, and bravery needed to take the next step in faith so that you die knowing you left it all out there.  We are put on this Earth to make a difference in the lives of others, not just to do time.

4.  Put a plan in place.  Obviously, this is big and entire books are written on this topic alone.  But birthing a vision is as simple as just starting.  Identify one actionable step that you can take to begin to make your vision happen.

5.  Be accountable.  We all do better when we know someone will be checking in with us to see if we’re following through and moving towards our goals.

Two final words.  One from Joshua chapter 1 of the Bible and the other from One Republic.

From Joshua,

Be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

One Republic says it like this in their song, I Lived:

Hope when you take that jump you don’t fear the fall, Hope when the water rises you build a wall…

 Hope that you spend your days, but they all add up.  And when that sun goes down, hope you raise your cup

But until my moment comes
I’ll say…

I, I did it all
I owned every second
That this world could give
I saw so many places
The things that I did
Yeah, with every broken bone
I swear I lived

What’s inside of you?  What are you carrying?  What would you do if there were no fears or obstacles or anything standing in your way?  Be strong.  Be courageous. Go after it. And know that you don’t go alone.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash







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