About This

About Page

I am updating the About page exactly ten years after beginning my blog.  When I first started blogging, my site was called, Traveling Clues. I still really resonate with that title.  The subtitle was Less Rules, More Clues. 

After some years of deconstructing some long-held beliefs and notions and going through the process of reconstruction, I came to realize that certainty is way overrated and over-exaggerated.  Life is about learning to follow the breadcrumbs more than it is about downloading the map.  Thus, the previous name and why my early blog came to be called Traveling Clues.

Eventually, I switched the blog title over to my name, as you can now see.  Seemed simpler and more clear that way.

Anyways, I’ve focused my blog on 5 categories that I am always curious about:

Growth:  This category explores the question of how do we as people actually change and grow?  What does that look like?  What postures and mindsets facilitate growth?

Life Practices:  We all need habits, disciplines, and routines that help us to grow as people who impact our worlds.  Under this category, I write about those practices which I myself have found valuable and hopefully will be helpful to you too.

Community:  Life is richer when we live it intentionally with others, but finding meaningful community doesn’t just happen.  It takes different ways of thinking and being in this world, which I am still learning, and I hope this blog can be one way of developing a community.

Calling:  Everyone has a unique contribution to bring to the world to make it a better place in some way. How I think about that now, in my 50s, is very different than how I thought of it in previous decades.  I feel I have it less figured out now than then, but it’s still a worthy topic to explore, I think.   Discerning that call and living into it is a lifelong process.  How do we discover our call?  What does it take?  These are questions I have always been curious about.

Family:  If you choose this category, you will bring up all of the posts that I have written to celebrate milestones in our life as a family as well as what I am learning through family transitions.

About Me

I am a person of faith, a dreamer, a curious lifelong learner, a futurist, observer, adventure enthusiast, seeker of beauty, a semi-creative, encourager, and a believer in everyone’s divine image. 

On the Strengthfinder-  Maximizer, Activator, Learner; 

Enneagram 3 with SP subtype;

Meyers Briggs ENFJ (becoming more and more an ENFP as I’ve learned to hold life with less grasping).

I love people and value relationships that are honest, authentic, and real about life’s joys and struggles.  I hope you join in on the conversation by leaving a comment.

Finally, nearest and dearest to my heart are my husband Charles of over 25 years, and my three young adult children, Sylas, Andre’ and Joelle, whom I am blessed to do life with.


Tracy Marble Buller