
I started writing in a journal as a pre-teen.  My earliest writings go back to when I was 9 and took the shape of a diary at that time.  Nonetheless, it was a start.  Writing in my diary was an early and unrefined attempt at keeping a record of my life.  In the beginning,  I simply wrote what the highlights were, or what I didn’t like about my day or about places my family would visit.  Simple as that.

As time went on, my diary evolved into a journal and became a place to process my own internal thoughts, record my prayers and longings, as well as identify important life experiences and learnings that I wished not to forget.

And then I began to want to write in a more public, visible kind of way.  I do that here for these reasons:

  1.  It’s a way of creating altars if you will.  An altar is an act of remembrance and gratitude, a way of marking an important event, learning, milestone or meeting the Divine in a meaningful way.  Each post is me creating an altar.
  2. These words will outlive me, and I hope that my kids and others will have this as a way of not only remembering but also as part of my legacy.
  3. In the hopes that maybe something I have to say or share from my own life experiences will be helpful to someone else.
  4. I hope to inspire others to write.  It’s easy to think there are so many other, more important, and helpful voices out there and thus cancel out my own voice.  But we each have something to say, a unique perspective on life.  If my blog can inspire you to write in some way, I will consider that a big win.

You don’t have to look too close to see that there are big chunks of time with no posts.  I used to feel guilty for that, but now I am good with the reality that life is about seasons, and rhythms and tuning in to those rather than forcing something that just isn’t there.

I’m glad you’re here and reading this.  I’d love for you to join in on the conversation by leaving a comment.

Thanks for checking in.

Grace and Peace,
