I opted out of the prom my senior year of high school, even though I had three different opportunities to go.  I had gone my junior year and while I was glad I could go, I couldn’t stop thinking about my friends who had not been invited and who were feeling excluded and left out.  Back then, you wouldn’t have gone to the prom without a date. Unless you were some crazy, rule defying, rogue renegade type.  I’ve felt left out enough in my life to know that it’s not a good feeling.  So for me the fun of the prom paled in comparison to the hardship it caused those who didn’t get to attend.

So like I said, I opted out.

Proms and days like today, Valentine’s Day, can confuse us into thinking that we are loved or not loved based on whether there is that “someone special” in our lives who meets all of our expectations on days like today.

But here’s the truth:  whether you have someone special in your life or not, you are special and you are loved.  You have a beautiful and unique design and destiny to fulfill.  Your value doesn’t depend on anyone or anything other than the fact that you are infinitely loved by your Creator.

You are special simply because there is no one else uniquely designed to smile like you do, laugh like you do, think like you do, care like you do,and be a friend like you are.  There are people who look up to you, who admire you and count on you to be the best “you” that you can be. Yes, we all desire the love and affection of others, but even without that your life matters.  You count.  You are a treasure. You make a difference.

On this day, and every day, may you know the Infinite Love that conceived you, sustains you and surrounds you.  You are loved more than you can even know.

May you know all of this deep in your own soul this Valentine’s Day.

2 Replies to “A Love Letter For You

  1. Thanks, Tracy, for helping to balance out our culture’s message of “if you ain’t got someone special you aren’t someone special”. That message has caused pain and heart-ache for so many and is the exact opposite of the real message of what it means to love and be loved. And yes…it’s true 365 days a year!

    1. It certainly can be very difficult to rise above the cultural messages you identified…. I know I’ve struggled with it at various points in my life. Thanks for weighing in and adding to the conversation!

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