Dream no small dreams, for they have no power to move the hearts of men.

This quote is often attributed to Daniel Burnham, the respected Chicago architect known for pushing the boundaries of design.  Burnham is responsible for some of the greater architectural wonders of Chicago, including the development of the modern skyscraper.

Burnham showed what was possible through his architectural wonders.  His ability to envision new architectural possibilities took him to various cities around the world where his buildings always evoked awe and wonder.

In the day-to-day of life, it’s easy to forget that big dreams have shaped and influenced the entire globe.  Big dreams have stirred the hearts of men and women for generations, starting back at the beginning of time with God’s big dream for the entire planet.

The Biggest Dream Ever

God’s hope for humanity is probably the biggest dream there ever was.  It was, and still is, a dream to see everyone who ever lived transformed by the experienced reality of God’s Love.  That dream has powerfully moved millions to not only experience that Love firsthand but to also wrap their lives around spreading that Love to others through courageous acts of love and sacrifice.

The Bible is full of stories of regular, common people who did big things that moved others to join in what God was doing in the earth.  These folks responded to God’s initiative.  It was God who set the dream in motion in the first place by placing it in the heart of a man or woman.

There’s Ruth, who saved an entire nation from destruction through her bold acts of love and courage.  Moses saw the plight of thousands of slaves in captivity and knew there could be a better life for them.  As a result, he led them out of captivity into a life of freedom.  There are so many more examples that could be given.

God still stirs the hearts of people today with big dreams.

How about you?  I bet you have a dream on your heart that would stir others.  Your dream probably isn’t like anyone else’s dream, so no comparing.  You aren’t Burnham, and neither am I.  But you are created in the image of God, and God is the originator of dreams.  You have it in you too.  And so do I.  We are meant to be co-creators with the author of big dreams.

Act on your dream.  Give it a try.

Or maybe you already are.  Keep going.  It matters, it makes a difference.



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