For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  In those days when you pray, I will listen.  If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me.  I will be found by you, says the Lord. I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and bring you home again to your own land. (Jeremiah 30: 11-14)

Here are my quick takeaways from these scriptures:

  • God has a good plan for your life.  And because of who God is, it’s probably bigger and more amazing than you can even comprehend.  This plan involves giving you a future wrapped up in the purposes of God.  Knowing God has good things in store for everyone who allows it can bring hope even in the most challenging and difficult of circumstances.  Whatever your current situation, it doesn’t have to remain this way.  There are better days ahead when we surrender to God.


  • God’s plan for your life doesn’t include bringing disaster upon you.  People love to blame God when bad things happen but these don’t come from God.


  • You can have God’s ear if you want it.  God listens.  You can tell God anything at all.  Obviously, he knows it anyway, but there is something important about us taking the initiative to communicate.


  • God promises you that when you seek him you will find him. He’s not as elusive as you might think.  “Finding God” is part of the journey.  How uninteresting, if as a child, you played hide and seek with your parents and the game began, “You count to ten, sonny, and when you’re done you come and find me.  I will be hiding in the hallway closet. Right behind all of the coats hanging up.”  There would be no joy and delight in the discovery.   So it is with God.  The joy is in the journey of seeking and finding. Think about that.


  • You can count on God to give back what is rightfully yours in Him.  Hope, love, joy, peace, purpose… sometimes we lose these things and God wants to give them back to you.

These ancient words are rock solid for today.  So affirming of God’s posture towards you and me.  It’s a posture of leaning in, reaching out, and being completely for us.

In my darkest, most hopeless moments, these words from Deuteronomy give me hope and strength for the journey.

Where have you lost hope that God has good plans in store for you?  Maybe you feel you’ve messed up too bad, or the losses in life just seem too great.  No matter what your situation, the truth remains that God is on your side and is wanting to lead you into all of the good things he has in store for you.  The question we each have to ask, is will I allow it?

4 Replies to “There’s A Plan For Your Life And It’s a Good One

  1. I want to believe everything you just said…however, my experience has not always lined up with it. So maybe thats where the mystery of God comes in. He has a picture I don’t see. His understandings and ways do not fit into my human way of thinking. And, because we live in a fallen world…life happens. So…I guess thats where faith fits into the journey…”the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen”.

  2. Kathy, I appreciate your honest response. I’m just wondering if you can say which part you feel hasn’t lined up with your own experience? I do agree that there is a mystery, or a tension perhaps, between what is true about God and how he works in our life, and the reality of living in a fallen world where things are not as they should be.

  3. I believe that God does have a good plan for our lives…however, I also think that there are times where we are exactly where God wants us to be, but the choices of others around us can alter the outcome.

    On point 2…Im just not sure about this statement. Disasters happen in our lives. Now whether I believe that God brought it there or allowed it to happen or its just life and bad things do happen to good people depends on your way of thinking. Maybe thats where living in a fallen world comes into play.

    However, when you are walking on the dark side of the mountain, your next 2 points are the ones that give you a “future and a hope”.

    So, I guess on this journey, one thing I hold to and that is the promise that God gives us that He will never leave or forsake us.

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