When you were born, we took our time to get to know you and to get a sense of who you were before we named you.  We wanted to give you just the right name, a name to show who God made you to be and call out the best in you.  About a week after you were born, we decided that you would be:  James Andre’ Marble Buller

You are growing into your name in ways that make us so proud!  We chose James after James in the Bible who served God and the early Church.  He was a humble man who came alongside of others and helped in many ways. You, too, have a humble heart. You care about others, you are considerate and kind, and your heart is towards the things that God cares about as well.

Andre’ is the name people know you by, and we chose this because it means “Man of Strength”.  We could have chosen Andrew, which means the same thing, but we believed early on that somehow you would be an internationally minded person and so Andre’ seemed fitting for that.  It is interesting to watch you grow to care about the world, people of other cultures and places.  I love that about you!  You are a young man of strength, courage and wisdom already beyond your years.

Marble is my family name and it was important to us that you continue to carry that name on as well as your dad’s family name of Buller.

Other things that I really like about you:

  • You are fun and funny!
  • You love outdoor adventures and aren’t afraid to try anything
  • You easily make friends and interact very well socially with people from various backgrounds.
  • You are perceptive and notice things that others would not
  • You have a way of letting people know that they matter and are important.
  • Being the middle child, you are naturally a peace maker… thank goodness!

You have a big future ahead of you and we are proud to be front row to all that God does in and through you. Happy Birthday, Andre’!

Lots of Love,

Your Mom

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