We’ve tried to build into our family fabric the value of creativity.

When the kids were little,  it was easy to be creative…. get out the crayons, paint and paper and have at it, kiddos. Just don’t paint the walls.  It’s never been a free for all in our house.  While one of our mottos has been, Creative spaces are messy spaces, creativity needs boundaries as well.

But as the kids got older, keeping their (and ours, for that matter) creative minds alive and not numbed by a media-driven culture has been more of a challenge.   We’ve worked somewhat intentionally at it though.

Family Photo Time

So this year, when my husband Charles suggested a “nice” family photo for Christmas, the public outcry could be heard for quite a distance.

Now, Charles is a pretty creative guy himself but when it comes to family photos, he prefers nice. Especially since we have so few where everyone is willing to look at the camera and smile. Well, no one was buying the Christmas family portrait idea.

So the kids took the idea of a family photo, their version, and ran with it.

Wait, What’s Happening

Before we knew it, the idea of doing an Ugly Christmas Sweater Family Photo had taken on a life of its own.  Trips to the resale shop and rummages through our closets and basement storage afforded us everything we needed.

And, just as we were getting ready to take our Ugly Christmas Sweater Family Photo, Sylas’s friend, Patrick,  showed up and suddenly we had our own photographer too!  Perfect!  We had an absolute blast with this.

Here are some of the pictures from that day.

Above picture:  Sylas, Me (mom), Joelle, Andre’ and Charles (Dad)

Turns out, the whole Ugly Christmas Sweater Family Picture thing has served as a reminder to me of how sometimes just doing something a little bit different, or way different, can end up being so much more memorable and fun.  This moment, this Christmas, I think I will always remember.

So here’s to using a little creativity to make memorable moments this season and always!

21 Replies to “Ugly Christmas Sweater Family Photo

  1. I absolutely love every picture — you’re all hilarious and look like you’re having a great time!! Maybe this will become a yearly tradition! Our thrift shops will benefit from your purchases!

  2. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!! You know, its those not so traditional and “messy” moments in life that we remember and cherish-maybe not at that moment but sometimes for later. I am in love with this whole idea and picture. Next year you need to do something different again. 🙂

  3. Tracy, everything about your post and photos is an invitation to celebrate ALL of our glorious, messy, beautiful, crazy, creative humanity. Thanks for the laughter and the reminder that a “nice” family never equals a “perfect” family….except for perfectly amazing!

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