Explorers, pioneers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and innovators all have one belief in common: the possibility of new discovery lies beyond the horizon of what is familiar, known and predictable.

While I don’t put myself in the category of pioneers and explorers by a long shot, I do find inspiration from those who are willing to step out into the unknown for the possibilities that lie just ahead of the usual routines of life. Sometimes that is where we can experience growth and new learnings.

To some degree, you might say that taking our family on a 6 week trip to Africa is for us a way of placing ourselves in a position to experience new growth. I have as strong of an instinct for safety and security as anyone else, believe you me.

But I also have a value on making the most of life by learning and growing. I see this trip as an opportunity for growth, individually and as a family.

We will be serving with Ten Thousand Homes in South Africa for nearly 2 weeks, followed by a 6 day vacation just outside of Capetown, and then serving at two different youth camps in the Congo for nearly 3 weeks. All together, we will be traveling for 6 weeks if all goes as planned.

We very much have had a sense of divine leading in taking this trip as a family. Here are some of the reason’s why we believe we were to take this trip:

  • Given the stages and ages of the kids, this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for us as a family to travel together internationally.
  • To allow ourselves to be expanded as we encounter new people, new situations, and new places.
  • An opportunity for each of us to deepen our understanding of who we each are created to be and the purpose that God has for each one of us.
  • To see and experience God working in different settings, people, and places in ways that we might not otherwise see and experience.
  • We do love exploring new places, adventure, and fun. We hope this trip provides some of that!
  • In a society that seems to tear at the fabric of family, I hope this trip grows us closer together as a family, deepening our love, respect, and appreciation for each member.
  • While I know that a trip like this will likely benefit us in many ways, we also hope to be able to serve others and to be a blessing even in small ways along the way.
  • Why South Africa? It’s been a place I have wanted to visit for a long time, and Ten Thousand Homes is a ministry that I really believe in and have wanted to visit. Why the Congo? Charles grew up there, loves the Congo and is picking up a ministry role in the Congo that will keep us Stateside but will allow him to work with leaders and pastors in the Congo.

I am immensely grateful to everyone who is praying for us on this trip, walking with us in and through it, and enabling us in so many different ways to do this. We very much have a sense of not going it alone, but of going with all of you in this together.

Even though we aren’t all traveling together, I believe we can all experience together the best of what God is doing when we each lean into all that God has.

One Reply to “Why Our Family Is Spending 6 Weeks In Africa”

  1. Tracy, taking this trip embodies so much of what you say you believe in and what matters most to you. So just the act of taking the trip brings you into even closer alignment with your True Self…regardless of what happens during the six weeks! You were already ahead before you left home. I love that with and for you. And your choice brings more Wholeness into the world and thus, into all of us. Thank you!

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