Birthdays, anniversaries and holidays are great opportunities to be reminded of what’s important. Today we recognize the life of Martin Luther King Jr., and the contribution MLK has made, and continues to make, towards equality.

What MLK day reminds me is that we each have been given a dream.  Many of us are inspired by MLK not only for the contribution he made but also because this was an ordinary human being who dared to pursue a really courageous dream. And while things are not perfect, we have come a long way because of the dream he carried, and his willingness to pursue it wholeheartedly out of love.

That’s what makes MLK extraordinary:  He recognized and owned the missional impulse in his heart, pursuing it even in the face of great adversity.  In so doing, he brought heaven to earth.

Society would tell us that living an extraordinary life means being the best and brightest, making the most money, achieving the most fame and recognition.  I would say that chasing those goals is living a pretty ordinary life.

To be extraordinary is to own your dreams, the missional impulse within you, for a better world and wholeheartedly chase after those.  You and I can do that.  We can live an extraordinary life.  Like MLK, we can be a part of bringing heaven to earth.

I can hear all of the excuses going through your head right now.  I recognize them because they aren’t unique to you.  They are my excuses, and those of many other people as well.

I’m too old

I’m too young

I’m not smart enough

My dream isn’t important

I’ll look stupid

People will misunderstand me

I don’t have the right degree

I don’t have enough money

This isn’t a good time

Excuses that simply get in the way, keeping us from fulfilling the missional impulse within us.  Most excuses, when examined, wouldn’t have to limit us,  yet we throw them over our dreams like a wet blanket over the fire.

One of my favorite verses from scripture goes like this:

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that.  Don’t be impressed with yourself.  Don’t compare yourself with others.  Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. (Ephesians 6, The Message)

You and I probably won’t be the next MLK.  However, we can be the people who die one day that did not allow excuses to dictate our legacy, knowing that the dreams within our hearts live on.


Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

6 Replies to “You Can Be Extraordinary

  1. Love your equating of “the dream in your heart” with “the missional impulse within us”. Never heard it quite that way, altho it’s resoundingly true.

    And thus helpful in connecting what we often tend to discount because it’s not “noble” or “spiritual” enough (our dreams) with that realm of faithful stewardship we are each called to. Thanks!

    1. Doug, I think much less categorically than I used to, so the “dream on my heart” doesn’t have to be separate or necessarily different than the missional impulse within. Thanks for reading!

  2. Awesome. Inspiring……that living for the things that are important to me will leave a mark for Him! Keep inspiring us Tracy!

  3. This is beautifully written and reminds me to press on! You are inspiring! Thank you Tracy! So glad these ruminations you share are not locked away in your journal!

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