Life’s seemingly small habits can end up being life’s greatest contributions. Especially, when practiced over a lifetime and combined with a number of other seemingly small habits. This is true on a personal level, as well as a collective level.

I came up with the following list several years ago to remind me of practices that, while they may seem rather small and insignificant in and of themselves, if carried out over a course of a lifetime would lead to a life of integrity and what I consider as a success.

[bctt tweet=”Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.- Vincent Van Gough” username=”viaMarbleTracy”]

Integrity doesn’t get talked about enough, in my opinion.  I’m not even going to try to define it, but we all know when we meet a person with integrity.  The world is desperately in need of people with integrity not only to give leadership but to be role models.

10 Vital Habits For A Successful Life

So here are 10 habits that if practiced over time would lead to a life of integrity, which will always be a life of success. Obviously, the list is not exhaustive and I’m sure you could come up with your own set of vital habits.

Set goals for yourself, even little ones, and then reach them.  This is being honest with yourself.

If you see something wrong, be a positive part of the solution.  This is creative problem solving

If you want something to happen, make it happen.  This is being proactive

Cultivate a genuine interest in others.  This is being other-centered.

Go the extra mile instead of getting by with the littlest amount of time, energy and resources.  This is excellence.

Be generous and give freely.  This is love.

Always thank others if they have given to you in any way, no matter how small.  This is gratitude.

Affirm others as you see them stepping out in new areas and taking on new challenges. This is the encouragement that empowers.

Plan and organize yourself to keep scheduled appointments and commitments. This is being reliable.

Be on time. This is recognizing that the small stuff matters.

A life lived with integrity, even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune, is a shining star in whose light others may follow in the years to come.  (Denis Waitley, author and speaker)

3 Replies to “10 Vital Habits For Living A Successful Life

  1. Great list, Tracy!! Should be on every refrigerator and in every bulletin. Just think, if parents would model this at home and teach it to their children, it would not only change our society but the world!! Food for thought for sure!! Thanks!

  2. Kathy, I like your idea of putting this list in a visible place! Hopefully we’ve modeled these practices to our kids, but a visual reminder would be kind of cool, too! Thanks for the idea… my mind is running with the possibilities 🙂

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