“Where are you feeling stuck right now in your life?” my friend asked me as we talked over a cup of coffee.

As I mentally scanned through the inventory of things I care about before answering her, the area that immediately came to the forefront of my mind was this-  my blog. Writing.

“I can’t seem to think of a single thing to write about anymore.  The thoughts used to readily flow out of me.”  I shared with my friend.

The lack of inspiration to write seemed to be more than a mere situational, temporary block. In reality, I felt as though I had completely lost my mojo.   I was stuck to the point of giving up on writing. Forever.

Everyone hits the wall at various points with their craft, art or calling.  The successful ones are those that learn to keep going, push through and not quit.   I’ve pushed through many times before, but this time I just couldn’t seem to figure out the way past, around or through.

We all get stuck.  Maybe it’s stuck in disappointment, bitterness, or unforgiveness.  Maybe it’s stuck in a job or career path that isn’t fulfilling. Whatever it is, stuck is a state of mind and it’s curable.  Figuring out what it looks like to get moving again, to become unstuck, is a growth process.  Overcoming inertia takes soul searching, asking honest questions of yourself and perhaps others, and courage to push through the real or perceived obstacles that keep you stuck.

Here is what helps me to get unstuck:

1. Name it.  Ask yourself, “Where am I stuck right now?”  And be honest about that.  Calling it stuck helped me because anyone can get unstuck if they really want to.

2. Identify the fear.  Often there’s a fear we’re playing to that immobilizes us.  For me, it was the fear of not meeting people’s expectations or even my own expectations.  To be honest, getting subscribers to my blog was part of what got me stuck.  I worried too much about what so and so subscriber would think, etc. I had to do some personal, inward work on the fears.

3. Brainstorm strategies.  Make a list of all the things you could do that may help you to get unstuck. I highly recommend putting talking with the right person, perhaps a life coach, on your list as one strategy.  And then pick something and do it.  Which leads to the next suggestion….

4.  Do something.  Even the queen of action (me) stopped starting.  Too much analyzing, thinking, dwelling on the problem and not enough action.  Implement your brainstorming strategies as a step towards getting unstuck.

My friend gave me a gift that day.  She asked me an honest question and in doing so, helped me to get unstuck. So let me ask you:  Where are you feeling stuck?”  And as Seth Godin states, stuck is a state of mind.  It’s curable.

4 Replies to “4 Suggestions For When You Are Stuck

  1. Well named, Tracy! I love the HOPE you spoke into this topic of being stuck, that all of us face – “It’s curable.” Yes! And your four steps help us identify the pathway to walk into a new place. Powerful and doable. Thank you!

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