I opted out of the prom my senior year of high school, even though I had three different opportunities to go. I had gone myRead More
Do you wonder what you should do in life? What your unique contribution is to make? One possibility for discovering these mysteries is to simply lookRead More
For there to be a beginning, there needs to be an ending. Think about it. Nearly everything that begins, starts because something else ended. YouRead More
We’ve tried to build into our family fabric the value of creativity. When the kids were little, it was easy to be creative…. get outRead More
I’ve had to work at establishing traditions. It’s not natural for me. I’ve put effort into it mostly for the sake of the kids, asRead More
If you’ve spent time in the wilderness, you know it is unsettling. Your world can feel like it has turned upside down, things don’t “work”Read More
In the wilderness, we have to wrestle with our questions. These are the questions that we either ignore or suppress when things are working forRead More
Having your nose to the grindstone, your shoulder to the wheel, and your back to the wall for long periods of time is simply notRead More
The wilderness journey is part of life. We all experience it at some time whether we recognize it or not. Maybe even more than oneRead More
Most of us have things about ourselves that we don’t like. Things we wish we could change. We wish we were taller shorter thinner fatterRead More